Over commercialization and it's making me mad!

Today's post isn't going to be as long as yesterdays and to be honest, I don't think I am ever going to write that much again in my entire life. But I would like to continue yesterday's random bantering with something that has a bit more substance.

As you may know yesterday was Mother's Day and what it made me realise was that it is so over-commericialized! First, may I just say anyone who thinks that there is a deeper meaning to Mothers Day than over commercial goods, is in my eyes, an idiot. The day begins with the giving of presents and keepsakes although it is obvious that most will be looked at and only used once or twice, then thrown away. It is then followed by lunch or dinner and before you know it the days over. But what annoys me the most about these days is that people have become so accustom to receiving presents that they don't appreciate them and when they don't get some, and feel ripped off. I just guess that is the society that we live in today.

It has become a day that is so revolved around spending money that the day has lost all meaning, the only holiday that has managed to keep its initial origins is Christmas, everyone knows that it is to celebrate the birth of Santa.