Well, this is obviously my first post here so forgive me if it’s somewhat sub-par. I am going to be doing somewhat of a series on the 'invasion' of Iraq. If I was forced to label myself as 'Pro-War' or 'Opposed' to the war, I would have to say I am closer to 'Pro-War'. I wish to make it clear that I am not a 'Gun-Crazed' redneck which the media (in Australia at least) seems to enjoy portraying as supporters of the war. I shall explain my personal standing in more depth on the topic in my final post of the series.
Todays post will be looking at the theory held by many people that the War isn't really about terrorism or anything such as that (I’m not saying it is or isn't) but it is about Oil. It is widely accepted that Iraq has the second largest oil fields in the world therefore there is great potential for extreme wealth. Now, I shall summarize the view of many people around the world, 'Iraq has oil, America uses oil, Remember the Gulf War? This must be for oil!'. Well, if we all choose to think like that then I suppose that the following theory is rational, 'A man just walked into Burger King, I saw in the newspaper that he was once in prison for robbing a Fast-Food restaurant, He must be robbing Burger King! Someone Shoot Him!’ Wouldn't the world be a Happier Place if we all thought like this?
Oh yes, I know what some of you may be thinking right now, 'I don't think like that, but the Oil fields are worth around 40 Billion Dollars, That must be why America is there'. Ok, America has spent around 540 Billion so far with the possibility of spending up to 1 Trillion on the Invasion Effort. Admittedly this may be a personal flaw of my own, but I wouldn't be so keen on spending 1 Trillion Dollars so the Oil Companies can come in and take the Majority Share of 40 Billion Dollars, but hey, that's just me.
I’m sure that we are all aware that both George Bush and Dick Cheney were previously Oil-Men. This is a funny coincidence I'll admit but again this relates back to my first point, If a man once held up a Fast-Food store, would he only return to a Fast-Food store to do that act again? Can’t he simply be hungry and be willing to pay for his food? Yes, I realize that this is a drastic comparison but the point is we can't label people for their past actions.
In closing I will say that to truly believe that the War in Iraq is solely about the acquisition of their Oil fields requires an extremely narrow minded point of view and a phenomenal amount of ignorance. I trust, or should I say I dearly hope that no-one reading this still believes that the Iraq War is solely about Oil, If you do then I will sadly request you to wake up, stop treating wikipedia and the evening news as a bible and start thinking logically.